Saturday, April 16, 2016


I don’t know where to start. Most of the times, I don’t find words to express the anguish and the irrevocable sense of loss I feel. Definitely not a void but still feels like a tiny part of the puzzle is missing. You were only a stranger. Our paths were not destined to cross. How they did, I look back at and there is a strange sense of unexplained happiness to that part of my life. It’s not love. It’s not respect. Nope, not even adulation. It’s a feeling that needs no meaning, a feeling forever frozen in the timeless layer of thoughts! Over the years, I’ve let myself be attached to a lot of things and people. You, my dear have been a notch above attachment. See, how I am at a loss of words and saying the same thing again and again? I know you’re not going to read this or perhaps ever understand how I feel. You probably don’t know how to reciprocate it either. You touched many lives the same way no doubt. However, I promise you that no one will ever appreciate your presence as much as I do (not only in my moment of loss and grief)

Wherever you are, know that I miss you so much that I cry sometimes and know that tears are not quite enough to bring you back. You are the bumble to this bee. But, do you remember me?

Harley? <3

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